Petcube in the UK

Kwinten Alexander
Apr 5, 2019

How to buy the best selling pet camera of this moment in  the UK? If you are interested in the Petcube Play and live in the UK,  you have come to the right place. First some a very quick summary of the  Petcube Play again:

  • Easy integration with any smartphone for endless playtime with your pet.
  • Quickly check your cat or dog is OK, and not breaking down the house
  • Responsive laser pointer, you can play with your pet throughout the day.
  • Keep your pet healthy and slim in the most natural way; playing and chasing things.
  • Prevent the separation anxiety and frustration that is becoming more and more common in pets these days.  .

If you want to know more, read our Petcube Play review.

The original Petcube used to be a great budget choice but is  unfortunately no longer officially available. You can still find it for  great prices marketplaces but they are becoming hard to find.

If you prefer Amazon, make sure you get the discounted price! Because  at the time of writing this, the UK listing was still at the old price.

Here is a quick summary of our review of the original Petcube.

Petcube offers a simple solution that is easily accessible online. A  small cube is all you need. It connects to your WiFi and can be accessed  through smartphone apps or a web page. When you are logged in, you can  see the view from the Petcube Camera in realtime. You can also hear what  is going on your house and you can speak through a small speaker. Last  but not least you get a steerable laser pointer to play with your  pet(s).

This last feature really sets the Petcube apart. Now you can play  with your pet from your office or while commuting. The system functions  in the UK without any problems. It works everywhere in the world.

Petcube let’s you see your pet from your smartphone so you can make  sure that it’s OK. But it doesn’t stop there; with two way audio and a  controllable laser, you can play with it in real time.

With the smartphone app we could give our cat a workout from the  commuter train. This is great fun when there is another delay. And we  could post the video of his crazy jumps on our Facebook or Instagram.  Other cats are fun to watch but our own is still the best.

Our friends used it to check up on their anxious dog from the office.  Even a few simple words helped to calm her down. They were worrying a  lot less during work. The dog was also a lot happier.

In our modern world, an interactive pet camera is the best way to  fulfill our many responsibilities, and have some fun while at it. And we  found Petcube to be the best model available right now.

Check out our article on Petcube camera and the comparison of Kittyo vs. Petcube for more information.

A Bit More About Petcube

There are many different pet and home security cameras available and a  lot of those allow WiFi access. But none have a laser pointer that can  be steered through your smartphone or mouse. Cats or dogs that are  inactive for most of the day are much more prone to get overweight. They  also tend to be less happy and get ill more often. We all know what  happens if we spend most of our time on the couch. So with Petcube you  don’t just get to keep an eye on your pets and home, you also have a way  to keep your pets happier and save on vet costs